Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hello Everyone,

BlissLights has upgraded the optics in both our indoor and outdoor lineup. Now you get more stars that are brighter with pin-points that are crisp and clean.

How much more do you ask?

30% more stars
30% brighter stars
30% sharper stars with cleaner edges

30% MORE BlissLights!!
For those of you who have seen a BlissLight in person 30% may not sound like a lot but let your eyes be the judge of that. Once you turn on a BlissLight with the upgraded optics you will see the difference immediately!

Now for those of you who have never seen a BlissLight, these little units will captivate and amaze you! They are simple plug-n-play laser star projectors; just plug it in, turn it on, adjust the angle and you're done! Its that easy! They are maintenance free and come with a one year warranty.

Pleaase contact your local dealer for avalibility!

Thanks, for reading, DJ Pat

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About Me

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Escondito, CA, United States
Blisslights is a special effects laser design company based in Escondido California. Utilizing our own patented technology, we are able to create brilliant, and magical special effects for theme parks, weddings, social venues, special events, and private homes. Our goal it to not only make spectacular laser effects, but to keep our Blisslight friends aware of our consentingly changing ideas for creating great products. Plus the best way to maximize the value of what we have to offer.